Inspired by VR2VKH.
以下所提供之兩款清單,分別列出香港常用的業餘無線電頻道,包括 VHF 甚高頻,及 UHF 極高頻的模擬及數碼中繼,及單工頻道。作用是提供業餘無線電操作員在香港境內所有已分配的業餘無線電頻道,讓操作員將頻率預設在無線電器材上,方便日後在日常生活或無線電支援活動中利用不同頻道與其他操作員聯絡。頻率清單會不定時被更新,請隨時瀏覽此網頁下載最新版本。如在清單中發現有任何錯誤資訊,請聯絡我們,本網站會盡快更正及更新。
The following are two lists of common amateur stations (one for VHF band, and one for UHF band) in Hong Kong, including popular analog and digital repeaters, and simplex channels that used for radio communications. The purpose is to provide licensed amateur radio operators a full picture of all allocated radio channels that can be used within the Hong Kong area. Operators can program their radio equipment with the frequencies provided so that they can connect with other operators in day-to-day communications or during radio support events using these channels. Both lists will be updated from time to time. Please revisit this page and check for updates. If you see any errors, please do not hesitate to let us know. We will fix them and provide updates as soon as we can.
資訊來源 Source:
VHF (Very High Frequency)
UHF (Ultra High Frequency)